
Traffic. Conversion. Engagement.

Do you know what you need?

Paid Advertisement

Have a great product/service that nobody knows exists?

We all know customers are the life blood of any business.

Without them consistently pumping through the veins of your business, you simply WON’T SURVIVE.

So, HOW can you reach the right audience with the right message AND convert them into high-paying, repeat customers?

That’s the Million Dollar Question that every business is scrambling on the ground to find the answer to.

That’s the largest problem all modern-day businesses are facing, as they TRY evolving into mini empires – and I’m sure you’re no exception – otherwise you literally would not be reading this right now.

This IS where Paid Advertisement comes into play and saves the day.

To catapult your business to the top of your industry and absolutely ERADICATE your competition…

…You MUST be able to leverage & master Paid Advertisement.

It’s just the world we now live in.

The rules of the game have CHANGED.

We can take you to water, but we can’t make you drink it…

If you want to grow your customer base & turn cold traffic into actual customers, then traffic channels such as Facebook, Google, Youtube, Instagram, LinkedIn etc are absolutely ESSENTIAL.

LOYAL CUSTOMERS & eventually PROUD ADVOCATES of your brand – who keep buying from you NON-STOP – only come AFTER you’ve established a solid foundation and online reputation.

Our goal as an agency is to make that entire process as PREDICTABLE, QUICK & EASY as possible for you.

(SELFISH TIP: Making it easier for you, makes it easier for us too!!)

We provide you with:






DON’T tell prospects to buy straight away.

You’re just going to piss them off.

You’re a business-owner – NOT an ELITE salesman…

…And that’s COMPLETELY OK.

Instead, take time to establish trust, vicariously through your Paid Ads.


This will EASILY result in:

– Increased New Leads

– Increased Sales & Business Growth

– Increased Conversion Rates

– Increased ROI

– Increased Cost-Efficiency

– Lower Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

– Increased Market Share

– Increased Website Traffic

– Increased Brand Loyalty

– A Colossal Advantage over your Top Competitors

– Trackable Results

– Filtered Audiences to make retargeting EASIER in your Sales Funnel

– Increased Credibility, Trustworthiness & Brand Authority

– A Stronger Relationship with your Prospects & Customers

– More Money

– Full control of your Brand Image

– A Larger Customer Base

– Increased Average Customer Value (ACV)

– Increased Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Content Creation


First impressions COUNT.

Creative & captivating photography and videography play pivotal roles in different social media marketing strategies.

When done right, you will experience:

– Increased New Leads

– Increased Sales & Business Growth

– Increased Cost-Efficiency

– Increased Website Traffic

– A Colossal Advantage over your Top Competitors

– Trackable Results

– Filtered Audiences to make retargeting EASIER in your Sales Funnel

– Increased Credibility, Trustworthiness & Brand Authority

– A Stronger Relationship with your Prospects & Customers

– Full control of your Brand Image

– Gratitude from customers by providing a glimpse into your company’s culture & values

– A sense of Exclusivity due to standing out from your Top Competitors

– A Larger Customer Base

– Increased Average Customer Value (ACV)

– Increased Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Most businesses tend to miss out on the opportunity of dramatically increasing their “exposure”, as they don’t understand how to leverage their content within marketing…

…Or how to create captivating content in the first place!

If a picture tells a thousand words…

…And we’re shooting at 120 Frames Per Second (FPS)…

…Well, you do the math.

Think about how many different stories we’re able to tell and how were able to manipulate it in your favour to bring you the best results possible.

When our ELITE videographers’ eyes for detail are married in matrimony, with our editors’ knack for finesse…

…Your customers see a side of your business they wouldn’t normally see:

A hardworking brand that GIVES A SHIT!

So many people are running ads & just posting utter BULLSH*T that our brains just skim over content like definitions in a dictionary…

(As you can tell, we like to read the dictionary)

You’ve gotta be on the ball at ALL times.

Get it? Because we shoot at up to 120 FPS?

Man, is this the crossbar challenge or did that sh*t just go straight over your head?

We’ll portray that you dribble & make plays like Messi…

…So you can keep scoring like Ronaldo.

Haven’t you ever wondered what it’d be like for them to play on the same team?

Now is your chance.

With the evolution of content from long-format to short-format…

…Platforms like YouTube & Facebook have been FORCED to follow the likes of Instagram and especially now TikTok.


In this era of being a “follower”, content is now aimed at younger generations because they use the internet to decide what to buy, most of the time.

And when they have the attention span of a goldfish, telling the most captivating story in the shortest possible time has become harder than ever.

Your content needs to be able to reel them in INSTANTLY.

We can optimise for a higher ROI at all stages of the process, by tracking your content & developing funnels tailored to individuals that have watched different lengths of your video.

This invaluable, RAW DATA, INSTANTLY tells us whether our content is interesting or not…

…As well as WHO’s most likely to buy from you, thus increasing cost-efficiency.

When executed effectively, great content can achieve INCREDIBLE results.


Optimising social media to slap your message & offering in front of your target audience is an absolute NO-BRAINER in this day & age.

On Facebook, there’s 1.7 BILLION active users that log in EVERY single day, as well as 2.5 BILLION TOTAL users that log in each month, on average.

Google is no different, with over 3.5 billion searches, PER DAY…

…Not to mention over 1 BILLION, ACTIVE, DAILY Instagram users!

But there’s so much more to it than simply posting a status or picture on Facebook, or running a simple, SH*TTY ad campaign that asks them to buy before they’ve even finished reading the damn thing…

…Like anybody gives a F*CK.


That’s like asking someone to marry you before the Starters have even been served on a first date!


The majority of businesses out there fail to comprehend the TRUE concept of social media…

…How to FULLY optimise & leverage each of these VERY different mediums…

…AND tailor them specifically to THEIR marketing GOALS, PLAN & BUDGET.

So HOW do you truly take advantage of social media?

The problem is that going social is not that easy – especially when you’re just targeting “Whoever can afford it and wants to buy it”…


If you’re not targeting the correct demographics, you will just end up going in circles.

You’ll end up playing with your own brain, just like INCEPTION.

Do you REALLY know where you are right now?

To combat this you need to ensure your target demographic satisfies a pre-determined criteria that you must create.

You must then put hyper-specific, social & influencer marketing plans in place to follow suit and ensure overall success and dominance in your industry.

You must build and implement a winning social media strategy that will actually have a huge impact on your sales, rather than just posting and hoping for the best.

Stop getting caught up with the BULLSH*T “Marketing Gurus”.

We only have one goal and that is TO SELL.


When you truly elevate your social media presence & actually do more than the bare minimum, to target the EXACT demographics that WILL purchase from you, you will experience:

– Increased New Leads

– Increased Sales & Business Growth

– Increased Conversion Rates

– Increased Cost-Efficiency

– Lower Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

– Increased Market Share

– Increased Website Traffic

– Increased Brand Loyalty

– A Colossal Advantage over your Top Competitors

– Increased Credibility, Trustworthiness & Brand Authority

– More Money

– Full control of your Brand Image

– Gratitude from customers by providing a glimpse into your company’s culture & values

– A Larger Customer Base

– Increased Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)


Email Marketing is where the REAL MAGIC happens.

Not only is it CHEAP AS F*CK…

…It also boasts an average of 4,400% ROI (Return On Investment)


YOU GENERATE $44 for EVERY $1 spent.


Paid ads on the other hand – if you have absolutely ZERO experience – only scrapes in around $2 for every $1 spent…

…IF you get lucky.

That’s 22x MORE MONEY…

…Whilst spending MUCH, MUCH LESS throughout the ENTIRE process.

If you’re NOT taking REAL advantage of Email Marketing, your business is probably DYING OF THIRST right now.

No wonder you’re here searching for some kind of “MAGICAL SOLUTION”.

“HOW is this possible”, you ask?

By PAYING ATTENTION to the MOST ACCURATE DATA available in this digital era…

…AND being able to analyse it EFFECTIVELY & EFFICIENTLY in the way that WE do.

We track EVERY email that we send out & we ONLY take DATA-DRIVEN DECISIONS.

You’d think we’d have a Quantum Computer.

Nope, that’s just our Bytex Brains.

We remove ALL the guesswork, INSTANTLY.

We also:


– Spy on their most valuable strategies

– Identify the exact questions & issues your prospects have, so that we create content that THEY LIKE…

…Not what YOU THINK they like.

– Find out EXACTLY what works & what doesn’t work, by checking the readily-available RAW DATA already out there

This allows us to look into “the future”…



…AND MAKE you even MORE MONEY, along the way.

Ok, this might not ACTUALLY be magic but after some time…

…You’ll think my name is “Harry” & start calling me a “F*CKING WIZARD”.

(Private Joke)

But hold your magic wands & broomsticks, buddy.

Are you paying attention to:

– Sender Reputation?

– The THOUSANDS Of Overlooked Spam Words & Phrases That You NEED to avoid?

– QUALITY Email Lists?

– Subject Lines?

– Copywriting?

– A/B Testing?

– Regulations?

– Personalisation?

– Data Protection?

– Permission?

– SPF?


– (Un)responsive Emails?

– Different Devices?

– Welcome Emails?

– Regular Newsletters?

– Segmentation?

– Follow-Up Sequences?

– Lead Magnets?

– Tripwires?

– Effective CTAs?

– CTRs?

– Conversion Rates?

– Open Rates?

– Bounce Rates?

– Email Sharing/Forwarding?

– ROI?

– List-Growth Rate?

Yeah, I didn’t think so…

…Probably because you thought you’re better than everyone else & you’ll “be ok without it”, right?

Well, why the hell are you reading this right here, right now, then?

We can take you to a trough full of water but we can’t make you drink it.

In this day & age, you can’t JUST use brute force to bombard & pester your prospects like F*CKING SAVAGES…

…Your email domain is gonna get blacklisted, mate!!

Boy, oh boy…

…That’s a B*TCH to fix – NOT a bloody quick-fix.

Email marketing is the REAL BATTLEFIELD, with a SH*T LOAD of hidden mines, EVERYWHERE.

But are they ACTUALLY hidden, or are YOU just not paying ANY attention?

Don’t search for the “cure” AFTER the damage is done.


If you don’t tread carefully…

…You’re gonna get your ASS BLOWN [THE F*CK] UP.


ESPECIALLY when it comes to Email Providers’ ever-updating, UNFORGIVING, Spam-Detection Systems.

Listen, I know your G-Spot is up there…

…But that doesn’t mean you should shoot a stick of dynamite up your ass to say hi & blow it’s load.

Now THAT’s some REAL SH*T!!

If you want to take over the world like Alexander The Great…

…Your business needs to stay light on it’s feet and be able to adapt QUICKLY, MASTERFULLY & EFFICIENTLY.

That’s where WE come in.

This is NOT Pearl Harbour.

You can’t just send a bunch of little emails to your prospects & EXPECT to win the war…

…Just to feel like you’re “doing something”.



…Gearing up to deliver ATOMIC BLOWS to your competition when they LEAST expect it…


Think strategically.

Think long-term.

Execute with COMPOSURE.

DIVIDE, FLANK & CONQUER your prospects…

…Just like Napoleon Bonaparte.

Blow the competition out the water.

Eradicate ANYTHING & ANYONE that stands in your way…

…And simply force the rest to SURRENDER.

With our tried & tested methodologies…

…Your competition has NO CHOICE but to BOW DOWN to our NUCLEAR POWER.

THAT’s how you win a war, my dear friend.

With well-constructed & thought-out Email Marketing Sequences, dedicated to specific segments within your Sales Funnel, you will experience:

– Increased Sales & Business Growth

– Increased Conversion Rates

– Increased ROI

– Increased Cost-Efficiency

– Lower Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

– Increased Market Share

– Increased Brand Loyalty

– A Colossal Advantage over your Top Competitors

– Trackable Results

– Filtered Audiences to make retargeting EASIER in your Sales Funnel

– Increased Credibility, Trustworthiness & Brand Authority

– A Stronger Relationship with your Prospects & Customers

– More Money

– Full control of your Brand Image

– A sense of Exclusivity due to standing out from your Top Competitors

– A Larger Customer Base

– Increased Average Customer Value (ACV)

– Increased Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

This ain’t 1985 buddy – You’ve gotta catch up with the times.

Emails are almost HALF A CENTURY old.

But despite the rumours you might’ve heard, it’s NOWHERE NEAR “DEAD”.

In just 2019 alone, over 293.6 BILLION emails were sent PER DAY.


When you implement the email marketing tactics we do, you’ll be MILLENNIA ahead of your competition.

Honestly, line up the cattle, it’s gonna turn into a F*CKING SLAUGHTERHOUSE!!

(Sorry Vegans – We’re just THAT EXPERIENCED!!)


When crafted with precision, Sales Funnels/Conversion Funnels are THE major turnkey for EVERY business.

If you take the time to truly understand & dominate this process, your sales will F*CKING SKYROCKET.

It’s extremely CRITICAL to design & engineer SPECIFIC-purpose Conversion Funnels

After some time, you’ll be bringing in significantly MORE REVENUE, whilst still spending a similar amount – OR LESS – on marketing.

This ultimately REDUCES your Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) in the medium-term…

…And exponentially BOOSTS SALES & PROFIT long-term.

You can then keep using this Sales Funnel to keep bringing you more of these EXACT DREAM CLIENTS.

AHHHH – Just what you’ve been craving, FOR SO LONG!

With a well-constructed Sales Funnel, designed for your specific target audiences, you will experience:

– Increased New Leads

– Increased Sales & Business Growth

– Increased Conversion Rates

– Increased ROI

– Increased Cost-Efficiency

– Lower Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

– Increased Market Share

– Increased Website Traffic

– Increased Brand Loyalty

– A Colossal Advantage over your Top Competitors

– Trackable Results

– Filtered Audiences to make retargeting EASIER in your Sales Funnel

– Increased Credibility, Trustworthiness & Brand Authority

– A Stronger Relationship with your Prospects & Customers

– More Money

– Full control of your Brand Image

– A sense of Exclusivity due to standing out from your Top Competitors

– A Larger Customer Base

– Increased Average Customer Value (ACV)

– Increased Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

“The business that is able & WILLING to spend the most to acquire a customer, WINS”

78% of businesses are not satisfied with their conversion rate…

…I wonder why.

Sorry to break it to you, but your DREAM CLIENTS are NOT gonna appear out of thin air.

If you’re willing to INVEST more INITIALLY…

…You’ll have built an ASSET you can use FOR LIFE.

If not, you might as well exit this page right now…

…Conversion Funnels are NOT for you.


SEO is a CRITICAL component of internet marketing and is absolutely CRUCIAL to maintaining a strong online presence.

When executed properly, this strategy guarantees a steady influx of new consumers into your pipeline.

When executed to a HIGH LEVEL, it’ll be FLOODING THAT SH*T!!!!

However, Search Engines are NOT what they used to be…

…That’s FOR SURE.

Whatever was working yesterday, might not necessarily work today.

Especially with Google & Cos’ ever-evolving algorithms.

It’s becoming increasingly harder to navigate your way through this CESSPOOL of a maze – both as a business-builder and as a consumer…

…Especially with all these other hack-jobs infesting the market and stealing YOUR SPOTLIGHT, with their BULLSH*T business & offerings.

SEO is something that must be tackled with passion.


Because it’s pretty F*CKING BORING and TEDIOUS.


There are two key aspects of SEO: the structural/“technical” side and the content side itself.

You need to be skilled, resilient and flexible in BOTH areas of SEO if you want to see any REAL SUCCESS.

However, generating new traffic and ranking on the first page of search engines doesn’t mean anything if you’re not able to CONVERT these CLICKS into SALES.

That’s why we’ve handpicked the absolute CRÈME DE LA CRÈME to get the JOB DONE – to a HIGH LEVEL.


Now go and book that surprise spa weekend for you & your spouse…

…Or that holiday to Bali or The Bahamas you’ve been DYING to go on for YEARS!

After all – at THIS point – it is DO OR DIE.

It might be boring AS F*CK but…

…When you conquer even A FEW of the 200+ factors that play a part, you’ll begin noticing:

– Increased Sales & Business Growth

– Increased Conversion Rates

– Increased ROI

– Increased Cost-Efficiency

– Lower Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

– Increased Market Share

– Increased Website Traffic

– Increased Brand Loyalty

– A Colossal Advantage over your Top Competitors

– Trackable Results

– Increased Credibility, Trustworthiness & Brand Authority

– A Stronger Relationship with your Prospects & Customers

– More Money

– A sense of Exclusivity due to standing out from your Top Competitors

– A Larger Customer Base

This DOESN’T even include any REAL input from our “Quantum-Computer Bytex Brains”.

This is honestly just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG.

Your Titanic Operation might be crumbling, but we’re not just gonna provide you with lifeboats…

…We’re gonna put you in a position to buy YOUR OWN jet skis, speedboats and yachts.

Let’s go on REAL F*CKING RIDE and have FUN with it!

It’s literally our playground.